Hecomi Variations

Hecomi Variations

Even a single hecomi can be folded in different ways to create a variety of shapes. The “#” in the work title refers to the number of the study.

Hecomi Study for Hotel Russ 4th floor
Artilleriyskaya Str.1, St. Petersburg, Russia

# 1 – # 45

Hecomi Size; 10 x 13 cm

Since 2003, I have been continuously working on a hecomi that I discovered in Russia. This has enabled me to observe my own tendencies towards modeling at each period.



#19, 2008
#21 Yellow, 2010, 9 x 8 x 3 cm
#24, 2012, 14 × 12.5 × 6 cm
#30 state II, 2016, 10 x 8 x 5 cm
#34, 2014, 12 x 7 x 5 cm
#42, 2015, 16 x 13 x 13 cm
#43, Enlargement 1:2, 2016, 19 x 15 x 14 cm
#45, Enlargement 1:2, 21 x 22 x 18 cm

Hecomi Variations

Even a single hecomi can be folded in different ways to create a variety of shapes. The “#” in the work title refers to the number of the study.

Hecomi Study for Hotel Russ 4th floor
Artilleriyskaya Str.1, St. Petersburg, Russia

# 1 – # 45

Hecomi Size; 10 x 13 cm

Since 2003, I have been continuously working on a hecomi that I discovered in Russia. This has enabled me to observe my own tendencies towards modeling at each period.

